I shot all of the images for this cookbook. The cookbook is packed full of images of food from Randers Hospital and the Sølund care home. The book shows how the public health sector can afford to serve organic food.

Soelund Poelser Med Paprika 2
Soelund Muffins 3
Soelund Karry Pickles
Soelund Farseretporre 2
Randers Vintersuppe M Gulerod 2
Randers Stemning 022
Soelund Syltedepaere
Randers Stemning Ekstra 08
Randers Persillerodssuppe 1
Soelund Lemoncurd Graeskarsmoer Hindbaercurd Arblesmoer
Randers Graesk Pita Spignat 1
Randers Stemning 113
Soelund Rullepoelse 2
Randers Stemning 121
Soelund Dalarhvede 1
Randers Skovbaerfromage
Soelund Stemning 093
Randers Karrykaal
Soelund Nougat Mouse
Soelund Sukkersaltet Laks
Soelund Sytede Drueagurker
Randers Stemning 108
Soelund Stemning 018
Randers Chokolademuffin Boenner 2
Randers Stemning 069
Randers Transylvansk Gryde 2